Turning the Tide

Turning the Tide

Sustainable Seas Challenge - Ko Ngā Moana Whakauka

Produced by Tauihu Media and funded by the Sustainable Seas national science challenge, the Turning the Tide six-part short documentary series highlights the work of researchers, kaitiaki, and community members as they pool their knowledge and resources to improve the health of the seas around Aotearoa New Zealand.

Our marine environment is facing enormous pressure from human activities such as excess sediment, nutrients, and plastic pollution, along with impacts at sea from commercial and recreational fishing, aquaculture, extraction of natural resources, introduction of non-indigenous species, and coastal development. These cumulative stressors are being made worse by a changing climate, leading to increased ocean acidification, sea-level rise, and sea-surface temperatures.

Click on the button link above to visit the RNZ website where you can view each episode (10 - 12 mins each) and they are also available on YouTube. A summary of each episode is included below, with a focus on education in episode five.

Episode One: The State of our Seas
Exploring the current state of our seas and the various issues that are impacting the health of our coastal marine environments with Professors Nick Shears and Conrad Pilditch of the University of Auckland, including the problem with kina barrens, where an overabundance of kina are devouring the seaweed so necessary to a healthy coastal marine system.

Episode Two: Mātauranga-led Restoration
We travel to Ōhiwa Harbour with Kura Paul-Burke of the University of Waikato who is working with doctoral and undergraduate students to research and restore mussel beds in a Mātauranga-led approach.

Episode Three: Supporting Marine Restoration
In Queen Charlotte Sounds, we hear about kina removal from kina barrens in a trial headed by Dr. Nick Shears, while Dr. Nigel Bradly of Envirostrat works to improve the taste profiles of NZ kina removed from kina barrens, to match the palettes in discerning Asian markets.

Episode Four: Collaboration in Action
We then learn about the importance of collaboration between Māori, government agencies, and other enterprises to the success of protection and restoration of our coastal marine waters.

Episode Five: Passing on the Knowledge
Education and passing on knowledge is crucial for the future protection of our marine ecosystems. At both Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o ngā Mokopuna and Marlborough Girls College, they seek to instil awareness, understanding, and a desire to work towards protecting our marine environment for future generations.

Episode Six: What Could a Sustainable Sea Look Like?
Finally, we look at the work that Tane and Clare Bradley are doing at Agrisea with seaweed, as one part of the collective effort required to protect our coastal marine waters for future generations.