Mehemea ka moemoea ahau, ko ahau anake. Mehemea he moemoea tataou, ka taea tatou.
If I dream, I am alone. If we dream, we can.
Waikato Regional Council has a range of resources available for teachers in the Waikato region. We provide curriculum linked classroom units, information about our natural environment, and workshops for professional development. Find out more about what Waikato Regional Council offers for kaiako, tamariki, rangatahi across the rohe through these initiatives:

Waikato Enviroschools
Regular support from your facilitator, free curriculum linked resources, professional development opportunities and interschool opportunities and events. Read more here.

Kura waitī ki kura waitā
River schools to Moana schools is a programme of work developed to advance mātauranga Māori in environmental education. Read more here.

Rangatahi Voices
Rangatahi Voices is an independent, youth-led forum, created to give young people in the Waikato a platform to influence positive change. Read Read more here.
Schools can also access one-off environmental education facilitation or access to resources at either primary or secondary level through our Friends of Enviroschools initiative. This might include a facilitated stream study or borrowing a Freshwater Detective kit, completing a waste audit or supporting a classroom or school camp environmental education enquiry.