The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) is an international non-profit on a mission to end overfishing by setting the world’s leading standards for sustainable fishing and seafood supply chain assurance. When you buy seafood with the MSC blue fish tick label, it comes from a well managed and sustainable fishery.
Explore Te Kawa o Tangaroa
The Marine Stewardship Council has produced Te Kawa o Tangaroa, an ocean-centred learning programme focused on solutions to overfishing and how we can ensure our ocean is teeming with life.
- Search our library of curriculum-aligned, ocean-centred education resources by topic or keyword to find activities, unit plans, film clips, worksheets and PowerPoint slides.
- Dive into our library of Antarctic ocean-centred education resources. Designed for Year 7-10 and adaptable for Years 11-13 STEM & Social Sciences. Includes activities, film clips, worksheets, Kahoot and PowerPoint slides.
- Find ocean-centred education resources relevant to your local area and the Aotearoa New Zealand ocean environment.
Why is ocean literacy important?
Our ocean is facing a triple threat of climate change, overfishing and pollution. Ocean literacy ensures that our future leaders and shoppers are equipped with the knowledge to continue the fight to protect our ocean.
A key objective of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development is to boost ocean literacy in the formal education sector. The aim is to create a new generation of ocean leaders by 2030.
Teacher PLD and Support
The MSC has a vision of our ocean teeming with life for this and future generations. Therefore, the MSC provides teachers with free-to-use teaching and learning resources aligned with their curriculum. By working with partners such as zoos, aquaria and museums, we're providing free teacher workshops to equip teachers with the confidence to advance ocean literacy.