The Aotearoa NZ Professional Practice Journal for Outdoor and Environmental Learning
Te Whakatika is a collaboration between Education Outdoors NZ and the NZ Association for Environmental Education. Sitting at the nexus of academic inquiry and educational practice, Te Whakatika seeks to create a space to share good practice, innovative ideas, and critical engagement in outdoor and environmental learning.
Click on the link above to read the online PDF and please get in touch if you have any feedback, questions or require submission support for future issues.
Articles in Spring 2023 Issue
Te Ao Māori: Whakapapa and the Outdoors by Amorangi Apaapa
Education Outdoors NZ: An annotated history by Mike Boyes
A Brief History of NZAEE by Chris Eames, Barry Law and Sally Birdsall
Seaweek: celebrating our connections with the sea by Pam Crisp
Play it Safe or Play to Learn? Why risky play should be embraced in schools by Celia Hogan
Enviroschools: connection and change through intergenerational learning and action by Robyn Zink
The Importance of 'newness' in Education Outside the Classroom by Chris North, Allen Hill, Marg Cosgriff, Dave Irwin, Sophie Watson and Mike Boyes
Past issues of Te Whakatika can be accessed from the EONZ website here.
The next issue will be published in March 2024 and we welcome expressions of interest at any time, by contacting