
for Inspiration

We put the Spotlight on ākonga, environmental education providers and communities who are working together to solve local issues. Seasonal collections of resources are also highlighted here.

English Curriculum for Te Taiao

Secondary English teacher Nicola Easthope explores opportunities to embed environmental education and student agency within English.

English Curriculum for Te Taiao

English Curriculum for Te Taiao

Secondary English teacher Nicola Easthope explores opportunities to embed environmental education and student agency within English.

Ngā Kararehe | Animals
August 29, 2024
te mataiaho mātaiaho civics protest advocacy literature texts poetry film novel indigenous place
Climate Hope, Wellbeing and Action

Explore teaching resources, articles and videos to help support learning, wellbeing and actions in our climate-changed communities.

Climate Hope, Wellbeing and Action

Climate Hope, Wellbeing and Action

Explore teaching resources, articles and videos to help support learning, wellbeing and actions in our climate-changed communities.

Rangi | Climate, Air, Sky
August 28, 2024
climate change ecoanxiety ece primary secondary adaptation extreme weather
Learning with Nature

Watch engaging videos from ECE, primary and secondary teachers, sharing stories and advice to connect ākonga with nature and place.

Learning with Nature

Learning with Nature

Watch engaging videos from ECE, primary and secondary teachers, sharing stories and advice to connect ākonga with nature and place.

Hauora | Nature Connection
Māra | Gardens, Farms, Green spaces
Moumou Kore | Living Waste-Free
Ngahere | Plants, Fungi
Whenua | Land, Soil
August 27, 2024
Getting Students Outside, Connecting Science with Place

Bianca Woyak discusses the place-based, outdoor projects that are engaging ākonga at Burnside Primary School.

Getting Students Outside, Connecting Science with Place

Getting Students Outside, Connecting Science with Place

Bianca Woyak discusses the place-based, outdoor projects that are engaging ākonga at Burnside Primary School.

Hauora | Nature Connection
Māra | Gardens, Farms, Green spaces
Ngā Kararehe | Animals
Waitaha | Canterbury
August 26, 2024
Waitaha | Canterbury
Adopt Your Local Park

Learn about programmes and resources that can support you and your students to explore and care for your local park or reserve.

Adopt Your Local Park

Adopt Your Local Park

Learn about programmes and resources that can support you and your students to explore and care for your local park or reserve.

Ngā Kararehe | Animals
Ngahere | Plants, Fungi
Moumou Kore | Living Waste-Free
Hauora | Nature Connection
Whenua | Land, Soil
August 25, 2024
Matariki, Environment and Wellbeing

Resources and articles that support celebration and learning about Matariki, with links to our natural environment and wellbeing.

Matariki, Environment and Wellbeing

Matariki, Environment and Wellbeing

Resources and articles that support celebration and learning about Matariki, with links to our natural environment and wellbeing.

Rangi | Climate, Air, Sky
Hauora | Nature Connection
August 22, 2024
matariki puanga winter celebration book wellbeing hauora
Kōanga | Spring Inspiration

Notice the signs of spring, plant for bees, and protect nesting birds with these resources to support seasonal learning in kōanga.

Kōanga | Spring Inspiration

Kōanga | Spring Inspiration

Notice the signs of spring, plant for bees, and protect nesting birds with these resources to support seasonal learning in kōanga.

Hauora | Nature Connection
Māra | Gardens, Farms, Green spaces
Ngā Kararehe | Animals
Ngahere | Plants, Fungi
February 6, 2024
bees birds seeds sunflowers maramataka pollinators
Linkwater Students Leading Change

Students talk about their inquiry learning and projects that have evolved from their curiosity and care for the local environment.

Linkwater Students Leading Change

Linkwater Students Leading Change

Students talk about their inquiry learning and projects that have evolved from their curiosity and care for the local environment.

Moana | Marine, Coast
Moumou Kore | Living Waste-Free
Māra | Gardens, Farms, Green spaces
Ngā Kararehe | Animals
Ngahere | Plants, Fungi
Te Tauihu-o-te-Waka | Top of the South Island
August 10, 2023
Te Tauihu-o-te-Waka | Top of the South Island
Aparima College Garden: Community Connections

This Enviroschool is empowering students with authentic opportunities to connect with their local environment and community.

Aparima College Garden: Community Connections

Aparima College Garden: Community Connections

This Enviroschool is empowering students with authentic opportunities to connect with their local environment and community.

Hauora | Nature Connection
Ngahere | Plants, Fungi
Māra | Gardens, Farms, Green spaces
Whenua | Land, Soil
Murihiku | Southland
August 8, 2023
Murihiku | Southland
Harvest Season with Garden to Table

Tamariki use the vegetables they have grown to prepare delicious, healthy kai and celebrate the autumn season with their whānau.

Harvest Season with Garden to Table

Harvest Season with Garden to Table

Tamariki use the vegetables they have grown to prepare delicious, healthy kai and celebrate the autumn season with their whānau.

Māra | Gardens, Farms, Green spaces
Whenua | Land, Soil
Hauora | Nature Connection
March 14, 2023
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