Seashore ID Guides and Activity Books

Seashore ID Guides and Activity Books

These highly recommended ID guides include the common animals and plants living on the sandy and muddy seashores and estuaries of Aotearoa New Zealand.

The Northern and Southern New Zealand Sandy and Muddy Shore Guides are available from the New Zealand Marine Studies Centre in card or waterproof versions. They are also available in te reo Māori, along with activity books aimed at younger students.

You can download digital copies from the website (link below) or order a supply for your class or community group. They are very reasonably priced at only $1 per copy for the waterproof version.

These guides are popular with early childhood kaiako right through to secondary Biology courses. Ākonga could use them on their nature exploration walks or start monitoring their local shore by taking part in the Marine Metre Squared citizen science programme.

students using the ID guides on the rocky shore