Earth Dreamers

Earth Dreamers
Earth Dreamers: Growing hope in response to the climate crisis

Earth Dreamers is designed to support the social sciences curriculum for teachers of years 7–8 ākonga and encourages teachers and ākonga to explore the complex global issue of the climate crisis within their local contexts in ways that foster joy and agency, curiosity, and hope.

It places a strong emphasis on indigenous knowledge, on place-based approaches that are relevant to ākonga contexts, and on robust inquiry practices. Earth Dreamers brings to life the social sciences. Inquiry pathways create rich opportunities for teaching and learning whereby ākonga use social science practices to investigate concepts holistically and to take action for a thriving collective future. While Earth Dreamers is primarily a social sciences resource, there are a number of ways in which each inquiry could be meaningfully integrated within other learning areas.

  • He taura taiao e kore e motu - exploring our relationship with nature
  • Enough is enough - examining consumerism, advertising and planetary limits
  • Rise against the tide - taking action for the Pacific, and our shared futures
  • Feeding our community - engaging with sustainable approaches to growing food

Click on the link above to visit Tāhūrangi where you can download the resource as a PDF.