About us:
Matuku Link is 37 hectares of wetland and native bush located at the head of the Te Henga wetland, the largest mainland wetland in Auckland. Purchased in 2016, the land has been replanted with eco-sourced plants grown by volunteers in our incredible on-site nursery. With ongoing predator control, Matuku Link now provides habitat and a safe corridor between neighbouring conservation projects for native wetland and forest species, including matuku-hūrepo (Australasian bittern), pāteke (brown teal), mātātā (fernbird), and pūweto (spotless crake). It also hosts several native fish species, tuna (eels) and koura (fresh water crayfish).
But it is also a great habitat for people. Because it is flat, it is readily accessible and groups and individuals of all ages can join our working bees, annual Open Day, and group tours. We also run school holiday programmes and our wetland education programme for schools.

Wetland education / Te kaupapa rohe kōreporepo:
Our wetland education programme (Te kaupapa rohe kōreporepo) is hands-on and science based. Developed with our local mana whenua, Te Kawerau ā Maki, the programme incorporates a matauranga Māori approach. Students have the opportunity to explore the wonders of our wetlands, learning about the flora, fauna and history of the wetland. They get hands-on with water testing, including searching for and identifying the macroinvertebrates that live within our waterways. They meet our local tuna kūwharuwharu (long-finned eels), and learn why wetlands are so important. They also learn how to monitor bird species, including listening to and identifying bird calls, and using binoculars to read and understand bird bands.
Our wetland education programme caters to students of all ages, and can be adapted to suit the needs and interests of your akonga. For more information, contact us: schools@matukulink.org.nz