WREEF Wellington Region

WREEF Wellington Region

Each year is planned according to the needs of membership. Usually there are a couple of social events for all members plus two hui a year for EE providers. Our focus for 2022 is engaging more with teachers to ensure our EE programmes are meeting their needs. 

During 2021 we held a workshop about understanding Te Tiriti of Waitangi and thinking about our role as tangata tiriti. This is a continued theme throughout all of our mahi.

Key parts of the WREEF network continue to provide support:

  • The WREEF facebook page, which is a private group of providers and teachers and provides a place where we celebrate our collective mahi, share organisational newsletters and links to events and opportunities for young people, and keep links to our WREEF tools
  • Google drive with a database of EEfS providers
  • Shared padlets 
  • Shared email - a google group

2022 AGM

Our AGM was held on 28 April and we were delighted to have Andrea Soanes from the Science Learning Hub talk about the work that they are doing with the Ministry for the Enviroment to create learning opportunities from the Envronment Aotearoa 2022 report.

You can view the recording here.

Key people

Wellington NZAEE Branch Exec Chairs -  2021/2022

Steve Moorhouse - Zealandia 

Elspeth McMillan - Wellington City Council 

Executive members

Benji Moorhouse - Ministry for the Environment

Gill Stewart - Enviroschools - Wairarapa

Kim Tabrum - Sustainability Trust

Charles Wilson - Wellington Zoo